Erick Allen


Artículo en español. One of the best things about my job is watching our students mature in their ability to think through and articulate complicated thoughts and ideas. In this newsletter, I share with you just one such example from Clare Kelsch, one of our seniors. I have included one of her fall semester exam...
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Artículo en español. On the first Sunday of Advent, Father Porras preached a straightforward yet challenging homily. His point was that Advent is a season of penance because the coming of Jesus requires fundamental changes in the way we act and think. Apart from Christ, our relationships with people, with the world, and with spiritual...
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Ex umbris in veritatem. This is the Canongate motto. What does this actually look like at Canongate?  One answer is our Senior Seminar. This class was designed to prepare our senior ladies for the challenges they will face after graduation and upon entering higher education, gainful employment, and beginning a family. We want to do...
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Artículo en español. Education is often about posing and seeking answers to difficult questions. Ironically, a week or so before Hurricane Helene devastated our region, our 9th grade students read Genesis 6-9 in World Civ I. These chapters recount the story of Noah and the flood. This verse has frequently come to my mind the...
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Artículo en español. Catholic Math Since we are on the topic of mathematics, I occasionally make the provocative claim that we need more “Catholic Math.” One of our former students recently asked me to explain myself! What is “Catholic Math?” Consider how important counting and measuring are to God. Can you think of any examples...
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Did you read our annual fund appeal? This is a critical year for Canongate, and we ask you to prayerfully consider increasing your regular financial support. You can read our letter here.
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Artículo en español. Last month, we read Dickens’ account of Mr. Gradgrind’s lesson on “what is a horse?” I ended the excerpt by asking, “who actually knows horses better, Sissy Jupe or Bitzer?” Bitzer mechanically spouted technical terms, precise measurable detail, and a scientific description of a horse. However, we suspect that if he ever...
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Artículo en español. As principal, I like to use this space to share thoughts related to the philosophy and mission of Canongate. This month, I have asked the esteemed Mr. Dickens to do the writing for me. Next month, I will build on this excerpt from chapter two of his novel Hard Times. The title...
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Artículo en español.A math person, or a humanities person? Are you a reader, or a counter? A lover of science, or a lover of literature? Are you right brain, or left brain?When we ask these kinds of questions, we assume that we belong in one of two categories: those who are good at math or...
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Imagine if we took away all the things that make it obvious Canongate is a Catholic school. Imagine if we ceased attending daily Mass, praying the Divine Office and the Angelus, requiring four courses in Catholic theology. Imagine if we stopped training our students in sacred music and art, studying the Church’s language of Latin,...
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