Artículo en español. From April 11-14, four of our junior ladies were sponsored by the Arden and Hendersonville Rotary Clubs to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy in Black Mountain. This is an intensive weekend program designed to help high school students “realize their potential as leaders.” Following are testimonials from our four aspiring leaders....Read More
Artículo en español. Emeline Murrey was a lead actress in our spring play Little Women. She played the rambunctious character “Jo.” I hope you were able to attend one of the performances. I asked Emeline to reflect a bit on the experience. Here are her thoughts. What did you enjoy most about performing in the...Read More
Artículo en español.Anna has been awarded the prestigious Elizabeth McRae Scholarship to attend Lees-McRae College, in Banner Elk, NC. According to the Lees-McRae website, “the scholarship offers full tuition for all four years and is awarded based on the students’ performance in both essay and interview competitions on Scholars Day.” This year’s Scholars Day competition...Read More
“Why have you chosen to stay at Canongate?” The education, the mentors, and the community, to be able to go to an environment in which I can be open and vocal about my beliefs. “How do you think Canongate is different than other schools?” Rather than just a school, it’s family, a family that is...Read More
“Why did you choose to come to Canongate?” I chose to come to Canongate because it sounded special. I wanted to participate in the plays and to experience something I had never experienced before. “Why have you chosen to stay at Canongate?” I chose to stay at Canongate because my parents thought that Canongate was...Read More
“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” – John 15:11 Joy is at the heart of the Gospel. It might even be said that joy is the Gospel, the Good News itself. All our longing & searching seeks some end; our restless hearts...Read More
“If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” – John 8:32 True freedom – more than merely being without constraint or restriction – is found in one’s ability to do the Good. Put differently, it is one’s ability...Read More
“School children and students who love God should never say: ‘For my part, I like mathematics; ‘I like French’; ‘I like Greek’. They should learn to like all these subjects, because all of them develop that faculty of attention which, directed toward God, is the very substance of prayer.” -Simone Weil Attention is the faculty...Read More
“Philosophy begins in wonder” – Plato All searching for wisdom, all attempting to encounter reality, all seeking the grain of the universe begins with wonder. The philosophers say that the most fundamental question we can ask is, why is there something rather than nothing? The fact that there is anything at all, poses a question...Read More
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